There she blows! *A common question we get is: "How do you find whales?" There are no special technologies or radar that help us find whales. We rely on experience and our eyes to locate them. Whales are not stationary and there is no single location they like to just "hang out." So each trip we start fresh. Our captains and crew use binoculars and eyesight to scan the horizon for the tell-tale blow of a whale. We also look for their back and their flukes (or tail). On a clear day and with the aid of binoculars, we can see whales several miles away. In this image, a blue whale exhales displaying the classic whale blow we are looking for. Photo by Delaney @seataceans*******#visualsoflife #whale #whalewatching #cetacean #discoverocean #wildlifephotography #createcommune #ourlonelyplanet #roamtheplanet #wildcalifornia