Endangered Species Highlight: The Giant Sea Bass*These amazing fish can live at least 70 years, grow 7 feet in length and weigh over 560 pounds! Historically they were found from Northern California to Baja California. Today they show up around the Channel Islands (including Catalina Island) from April to October to spawn and then disappear each winter. Giant Sea Bass are considered critically endangered. The breeding population of Giant Sea Bass is only believed to be only 500 individuals. There have been incredible efforts to aid in the recovery of these amazing fish. They are a highly protected fish and they cannot be caught by fishermen. The Aquarium of the Pacific (@aquariumpacific ) and the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium (@cabrillomarineaquarium ) breed juvenile giant sea bass to release into the wild and help the population grow. We were fortunate to capture these incredible fish with our @deeptrekker by underwater camera operator, @chelseamayerphotography*** ******#newportbeach #fish #conservation #fathomlesslife #discoverocean #endangeredspecies #seabass #visitnewportbeach #earthcapture #earthfocus